Comments (4)
Okay, we've played around an hour or so and we're ready to give our full review. The game in it's current state, is playable but can definitely be improved.
-The wrist of your character seems a little thin. Maybe you could make it a little thicker?
-Water seems a little static on the "Atlantis" map. You could use the one that adds waves.
-Graphics overall seem pretty good for an indie game, keep it up!
-Animations look great and so does the camera movement
-I personally think that you shouldn't have to hold down right key to aim, instead it should be toggle-able. Like just click and it stays.
-More guns please
-AK-47's spray pattern is a little off, I recommend that you turn down the spray radius so it's a little more accurate.
-Everything sounds good
That's all the real criticism we have. In all, we'd rate it 7.5/10. It definitely needs work but the final product should be a good game. Keep up the good work!
mind = blown
James Bond Fan Game
Ask me for Beta Keys :D
It´s a really nice Online Fan Game from me with nice looking Graphics and some other Stuff. you can choose between the new and the old 007!!
It´s a Action and Shooter game...Have Fun :D