Hello, im Aaron Muhyier, im actually on an investigation of the 5 missing childrens on the Freddy Fazbear Pizzeria, im doing this website with mi Cousin, Isaac Muhyier, His helping me with the investigations and hes honored of being writting teories for al of you, in the first investigation we are learning about a new Place that will open his door this monday sooo, let's wait to see what it is....
A fan:
Its 1998, have been past years for that accident, the 5 children murder on Freddy Fazbear, we don't know nothing, even if the kids are dead, but, we know something, that the kids will stay in our hearts...
Game Description:
A new Pizzeria has been opened the last week, with the new, Jerhermane, let's see if they have GOOD animatronics.
Have Fun Today.