Comments (13)
This is like, the 5th Joyful remake I know of, I'm sure it's gonna be great (any game that doesn't use QTE's is an win in my book) but like...
Austin, buddo, how did you fuck up so badly, your fans have to remake your stuff over and over!?
Anywho, this seems neat! Don't give up!
You know, the community has started to name this, undone and orange edition has the three Joyfull remasters... Which is preatty funnny to me
I've come to ask the most important question one can ask...
Will Buddy have a front facing sprite? In Joyful her front facing sprite was her left facing sprite.
will there be new party members?
Heir To The Throne (HT3 for short) is a project attempting to remaster the original Lisa: The Joyful. This project will contain new content, tweaks to the story, remastered artwork, additional endings and balance changes while staying (mostly) true to the original game.
\ \ \ What's being added? \ \ \
• Resprites of various characters and enemies
• New and reworked areas and fights
• Alternate routes and endings
• Reworked states and improved state displays
• New and reworked skills for characters
• More detailed and immersive areas
• Pain mode (and another secret difficulty mode)
• Gambling
• At least one new superboss
• Even more things I don't have space or time to list out
Badass new thumbnail art made by Funtermore
DISCLAIMER: This is a LISA fan game that is not affiliated with Dingaling Productions or Serenity Forge. It is designed to be played only after the official game has been completed. You can learn more about official LISA games here: serenityforge.com
#fangame #lisa #lisathepainful #lisathejoyful #fanremaster
Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Sexual Themes
Strong Language
Crass Humor
Simulated Gambling