
Comments (11)

What do you think?

Hey so how do I get Jack O Bonnie to come back to Jack O Chica?

Encountered a bug that prevented me from saving the game during a long token grind - the option in the menu was grey. No clue what caused it, it seemed to take effect after I killed a Shiny Endo in the Final Stretch hallway.

if you want to fix the game's trophy you have to delete the RPGMaker_GameJolt_API folder, this folder stores the game's trophy and whenever you login you will receive the game's trophy and don't worry if u delete the folder and run the game it will create a the same folder, so its ez to fix.

cool game

havent played it yet tho

ok i just logged into my gamejolt and insteadly got 6 trophies lol


Five Nights at F***boy's 4: KE

Version: 0.4.0over 3 years ago
Could be bugged. Tell me if you find something weird.

NOTICE: this game doesn't have full TTS voice acting due to the sheer number of possible lines of dialog you could encounter.


You play as the nightmarish counterpart to Freddy Fuckboy as he attempts to escape hell, of which he was mysteriously transported to.

This game features:

- Freddy Fuckboy but with sharper teeth and a lot of children.
- A couple hours of gameplay, with no dumb extreme grinding bloat to make the main game longer than it has to be.
- A variety of different things to explore and do outside of the main gameplay.
- Possibly too many potential NPC interactions ranging from helpful, to funny, to blatantly unfunny.
- A somewhat classic approach to FNaFB, but with quality of life improvements galore.
- A mixture of gameplay styles ranging from the stat boost grinder, to the backup bash gambler, to even the strategy finder. Play it as fairly or as brokenly as you'd like.
- A large variety of characters to recruit and bosses to fight.
- An entire postgame full of extra content to discover.
- Common from WoFG (run for your life)

Any bugs should be reported to me, or your knees will vanish overnight.
#fnaf #rpg #fnafb #fangame

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Drug Reference
Sexual Themes
Strong Language
Mature Humor
Simulated Gambling

KE 4 is now public.

Update v3.1 released.

Update v3.0 released

Update v2.0 released.

Update Patch v1.2 released.