
Comments (19)

What do you think?

Ye back here 2 years later, and i see how the game is evolving, im proud of you :) i will play your game when i have a new computer

what debug on this game, i don't get it.

have the "story" mode?

Hey Heads up i just now started getting back into the swing of making let's plays of rpg games yours is on the list just got things in control recently. and started them up again so i will be letting you know when its up but know it may be a bit as i have others on the list as well at moment.

wow a MLP Version of Kingdom Hearts. Very Interesting i may give this game a try. Also With Your permission Mind if i do a Lets Play on this game. To try and get it some Recognition?


Kingdom Hearts: Uncanon Dream - Version 2.9

Version: 2.2.2almost 6 years ago
A minor update compared to the last, but one that must be separated just based on its add-ons. Updates include a playable 2nd character, expanded levels, improved gameplay, more secrets, and better tutorials.

Kingdom Hearts: Uncanon Dream - Version 2.8

Version: 2.1.1about 6 years ago
A complete overhaul of what was established in Version 2. Completely Reworked Gameplay, New Worlds, New Keyblades, New Dialogue! - Updates: Boss

Kingdom Hearts: Uncanon Dream - Version 2

Version: 1.0.1almost 7 years ago
A few new worlds and 3 new Keyblades.

Kingdom Hearts: Uncanon Dream

Version: 0.1.0almost 7 years ago

No story, no plot, no real danger.
I made this for fun, boredom and because I just felt like it.

I made this and uploaded it for myself.

I might update it more, if I make enough changes.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is Owned by HASBRO and DHX Media.
Kingdom Hearts is Owned by SQUARE ENIX and DISNEY.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

The seeds have been planted in Uncanon:Wasteland v0.9.
Liam's moveset is in the works.

For further updates on what this game will be like when I return to it with the new updates, go here.

If it isn't apparent, this is on Hiatus. Why?
I started work on a newer, far more polished version of this game's systems.

But what about UD? Well, when that newer game's systems are done, I'll go back and remake UD with the updates systems.…
(Patched out some bugs)
This is the reason I haven't been doing much updating when it comes to Uncanon Dream.

It ain't canceled. when the time comes, I will update UD with these systems here.

It outshines Uncanon Dream.

Big update involving that story thing.
So, I have the story conceptually planned.

I'm here to bring that news that Darksoma will be cut entirely from the story and game as a result to allow me to focus on Liam's gameplay and place in the story more.