
Comments (5)

What do you think?


when i still try to launch the game it had a virus in it when i saw the pop up saying we toped a virus,do you think you cab check whats wrong with the game

im looking at the movelist of iori and can someone explain what the hell is an E? like here look at the very bottom

(1) Instinct liberation

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Ordinary investment, reverse stripping, nearly ←/→+C

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Normal throw, reverse and reverse stripping, near ←/→+D

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Special Skill: Foreign Style·Dream Bullet →+A·→+A

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Special Skills Foreign Style Pit ↘+C

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Special Skills: Foreign Style·Yuri fold Aerial ←+B

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Special move: One hundred and twenty-seven moves·Sunflower ↓↙←+A/C

┗Sunflower Stage 2↓↙←+A/C (can float in the air to pursue; can SUPER CANCEL)

┗Sunflower 3 sections ↓↙←+A/C

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Special Move: One Hundred and Forty One Move to the Moon ↓↘→+A/C (SUPER CANCEL available)

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Special Moves: One Hundred and Four Stances·Nue Tao →↓↘+A/C (SUPER CANCEL available)

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Special Moves One Hundred and Nineteen Stances·Mingniao ↓↙←+B/D (SUPER CANCEL available)

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Special Moves 230 Styles·Tsubaki Close →↘↓↙← →+A/C (can pursue)

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EX Special Move One Hundred and Seven Seven Styles·Sunflower ↓↙←+AAC

┗Sunflower Stage 2↓↙←+A/C (can float in the air to pursue; can SUPER CANCEL)

┗Sunflower Stage 3↓↙←+A/C (can float in the air to pursue)

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EX Special Moves One Hundred and Forty-One·Moon Attack ↓↘→+C (can float in the air to pursue; can SUPER CANCEL)

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EX Special Moves: One Hundred and Four Styles: Nue Tao →↓↘+AC (can float in the air to pursue; can SUPER CANCEL)

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EX special move: 1219 Styles·Mingniao ↓↙←+BD (can break defense; can SUPER CANCEL)

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EX Special Moves 230 Styles·Tsubaki Close →↘↓↙← →+A (can pursue)

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Super Must Kill: Forbidden One Thousand Two Hundred Eleven Styles·Eight Childish Girls ↓↘→↘↓↙←+A/C (DREAM CANCEL available)

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MAX super sure kill, forbidden 1,211 moves·eight young girls ↓↘→↘↓↙←+AAC

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MAX super sure kill, forbidden thousand and one hundred and eight postures·Yata bird ↓↘→↓↘→+D

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Potential Secret: Violent Moon Cry ↓↘→↓↘→+E

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its really good but i cant play in any mode when is charging the stage a image with japanese text apears and i cant do anything


The King of Fighters Wing 2022

Version: 0.1.0over 2 years ago

KOF Wing 2020 is no longer

2022 version is here

Player 1/Player 2

W-Jump/Up Arrow-Jump

A & D-Move/Left & Right Arrow-Move

S-Duck/Down Arrow-Duck

T-Light Punch/Numpad 4-Light Punch

Y-Heavy Punch/Numpad 5-Heavy Punch

U-Power Gauge/Numpad 6-Power Gauge

G-Light Kick/Numpad 1-Light Kick

H-Heavy Kick/Numpad 2-Heavy Kick

J-Power Attack/Numpad 3-Power Attack

#fangame #multiplayer #action #arcade

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