
Comments (6)

What do you think?

I'm agree with the others, so sad you didn't have time to finish.

I really love the art that reminds me kinda fallout 1

The world and the worms look awesome. It's a shame you weren't able to finish. I hope you're able to make use of the tech you developed in the future!

Great work

I'd join the others and say it's too bad it's not finished, because everything in this is promising! From the art direction to the idea. Top notch stuff.

It would be really cool if you continued working on it :)

I'm getting this error here:

"Unable to parse Build/build.framework.js.gz! This can happen if build compression was enabled but web server hosting the content was misconfigured to not serve the file with HTTP Response Header "Content-Encoding: gzip" present. Check browser Console and Devtools Network tab to debug."

I had this problem with some of my games in the past when i hosted here on gamejolt, the solution for me was disabling the copression on: Player setting -> WebGL -> Publish settings -> Compression = disabled.

Thre's also the Decompression fallback checkbox there, as an alternative.

Good Luck!


Kill them with Dynamite

Version: 0.1.0over 2 years ago

this is not complete yet, I just wanted something submitted so I don't run out of time trying to figure out how to post it (usually do jams on link of some of my better games for those interested

Spent the majority of the time working on generating and rendering the map so gameplay is pretty lacking... if not non-existent / broken

for anyone that wants to try this for whatever reason, the controls are the following

WASD or ARROW KEYS to move the camera,

hold right-click and drag to create a selection box which selects any people inside it.

when selected people will follow your commands, left-click to execute the current command at the mouse pointers location.

submission for together jam, themed around the film tremors.
a point-and-click wave-based survival game where you take on giant worms with sticks of dynamite.

I tried to make a game in the sort of style one might expect of an older game closer to the time the film was made. started from scratch to create my own old-school isometric renderer. using blender and some maths to be able to quickly create assets for the game.

The aim of the game is to build up a group of fighters by rescuing them from locations on the map (not yet implemented) to bolster your ranks and more easily take down the worms.

each day worms appear and try to attack you (still in development), and you can place dynamite to kill them as they surface (not yet implemented).

having more people you can try catch the worms as they surface with lassos (not yet implemented) which slow down the worm giving you time to safely finish off the worms with dynamite.

This game was developed as part of a promotional contest. Character art, narrative, music and other creative elements contained within are not officially licensed or approved by NBCUniversal or its affiliates.

Fantasy Violence

for those of you that want to play a slightly more polished(actually playable) version of Kill them with Dynamite without most of the game-breaking bugs I've uploaded it to my page