
Comments (235)

What do you think?

time travellers

Alex disappears into the void once recruiting Apep

Well I entered a difficult choice. Since the Fish Kid is now a party member, I can't decide who to replace with it. I want to keep Alex and Joel in the party for obvious reasons, but I can't decide between Darry and Georgy.

Hey I noticted that when I try to extract the game into a folder, it keeps on failing after getting to Game.rgss3a.

is the speed up item supposed to disappear after first using it? cause after the scene where georgy opens the safe I'm back to normal walk speed and only have the slow down


LISA The Pointless SOTWS But The Boys Are Here To Stay

Version: 0.22.05 days ago
Here it is the final release you been waiting for! New fights, gear and party members to play with. and of course dialog.If you got problems and bugs let me know and report them to me

You know how you always had to choose what party member to keep just to leave them behind in the end? Well now that's not a problem with the introduction now when you get the gang together they are their to stay.

Credit to Carlos Bv for Sid and Apep's sprites and animations

Credit to Mibbles for the Walbar party member

#LISA #fangame #rpg

Note :If there are bugs PM me.

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Brief Nudity
Suggestive Themes
Crass Humor

Small patch, added a gang poster in autum and party members not in the party still gain full EXP after a fight instead of half. Also party members showing up in the martial arts match isn’t a bug, I did that on purpose cause it’s funny dream.

Alright now it’s released

Just made a quick fix, you span where you should now when you start a new game and fixed some other small stuff like georgys withdrawal event

I HOPE this new version has all the bugs you reported are fixed, and I hope to find no more, Apep bug is fixed and Ritchie now gains XP aswell a recruit ment guide has been given. I also fixed saltcrab not being recruitable

FUUUUUUUUUUUCK! I just got home from work just to see more bugs, I just wanna live knowing I made a good mod, I’m gonna have to have them fixed again

I DID IT, ITS DONE, fixed the rando fight, party members not in battle gain xp Walbar is now a recruitible charecter. Now to anyone who didn’t give up after the first two releases PLAY THE GAME WORRY FREE! I stayed up until 3:00 AM and passed out for this

Hold on let me just try for the third time with fixing these bugs, just give me some time. I swear I can’t escape them.


Ok so this should be the last update, this fixes plenty of bud that plagued the game and we added two new characters and gear. I hope this goes well and like I’ve said before if there are bugs don’t be afraid to let me know because it benefits both of us.

Ok people I want to know what you want, do you want critical healing and SP restoring or no?

Let me know in the comments

Should I make it so that Darry’s little jig allows him to boost other teammates attack like in nonsensical or not?

Let me know in the comments