
Comments (235)

What do you think?

time travellers

Alex disappears into the void once recruiting Apep

Well I entered a difficult choice. Since the Fish Kid is now a party member, I can't decide who to replace with it. I want to keep Alex and Joel in the party for obvious reasons, but I can't decide between Darry and Georgy.

Hey I noticted that when I try to extract the game into a folder, it keeps on failing after getting to Game.rgss3a.

is the speed up item supposed to disappear after first using it? cause after the scene where georgy opens the safe I'm back to normal walk speed and only have the slow down


LISA The Pointless SOTWS But The Boys Are Here To Stay

Version: 0.22.05 days ago
Here it is the final release you been waiting for! New fights, gear and party members to play with. and of course dialog.If you got problems and bugs let me know and report them to me

You know how you always had to choose what party member to keep just to leave them behind in the end? Well now that's not a problem with the introduction now when you get the gang together they are their to stay.

Credit to Carlos Bv for Sid and Apep's sprites and animations

Credit to Mibbles for the Walbar party member

#LISA #fangame #rpg

Note :If there are bugs PM me.

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Brief Nudity
Suggestive Themes
Crass Humor

Fixed fish kid, he can be recruited again

Made a small patch to fix Paul, have fun

also I added Paul, new gear, items and new balance changes, to get Paul you just gotta find his old bottle of beer and bring it to him

HEY SOTWS But The Boys Are Here To Stay got that new update, so go play it, I’ve been working on it awhile with my bud so here you go. Got any problems? let me know in the comments if you do

Hey made some balance changes and nerfed imps damage, changed some new gear, added some new gear, and now you heal the entire party instead of just Alex, Joel and geen in the water spot in the desert village.

small new update, mystery paste can now be bought all the time now and fixed the icon

Wanted to say as well that I updated some already existing gear to make them better, like the old poncho a bigger SP bonus and the orange poncho resisting weird and wary, basically starting gear can be useful for something

If anybody even thought to, I’m open to have my banner for SOTWS But the boys are here to stay changed, fan art is always welcome.

New update: lowered imps defence to 30, made some balance changes, made more gear available, fixed the gorge transition so no more air walking Alex, and made some small changes. I think that’s all

Like I’ve mentioned before let me know if theres more bugs

Made a few new bug fixes, Darry no longer leaves after talking to Larry, and you now skip the martial arts tournament completely now, and that’s about it, I’m here to fix bug fixes as usual. Hope you guys still enjoy the game after all it’s been through.