
Comments (4)

What do you think?

I would recommend setting up the environment a bit more as it is not much just to impress on first impressions. But I wish you luck, keep it low poly theme will be a good idea.

The game's looking awesome, nice start. I'd just mess with the walking mechanics a bit so that it felt a little more precise. But it's running smooth and comfortable to play. Also, about the sound design, I could really help you. I've already got some ideas in mind. I'd love to talk with you about those more specific topics, if possible.

A simple Low Poly game I try to work on in my free time, i'm aiming for a First Person Role Playing game, with some Survival and maybe some puzzle elements.
Development probably won't go very fast, since i'm still a student.
I try to make all the 3D Low Poly assets myself, so that takes some time too.
I want quality over quantity, so i would LOVE to get some feedback.
#LPA #RPG #Survival #FPRPG #LowPoly

Mild Realistic Violence
Mild Language

Added the first package of the game, it isn't much, but it's a start!

I'm trying to get a playable version of the game ready for tomorrow, so yeah

This is the kind of vibe i want to give to my game :p
Just a little clarification or something.