
Comments (16)

What do you think?

Чувак, если хочешь, могу сделать топ музыку к игре за низкую цену) [email protected] - вот почта

ну игра достаточно годная написал бы о ней в группе ргмщиков но лень лучше здесь. Хочу сказать что капинат полночь постарался и выкатил нечто годное сюжет интерестный монстры страшные всё как надо.

Ну обосрался два разка, до улицы не дошел( слишком уж странные лабиринты. Нашел потайные ходы сквозь стены, взял дробовик, нашел залагавшего чела с бензопилой, который просто стоял. Стрелял - ему пофиг. Решил пройти через него - упал((

A little too much on the non-royalty free music and assets from, what I presume are from other areas? Needs custom-made content/assets.

Played through your game! I had some trouble navigating in the maze, which was probably meant to confuse the player anyway.. but I made a short video of the experience :


Liar:The dead are not silent

Version: 0.52.0about 5 years ago



The game tells about Victor, a lonely man without any plans for life, whose only dream is to regain the line between reality and sleep, get rid of terrible thoughts, which every day immerse him in suffering more and more.


Игра повествует о Викторе, одиноком человеке без каких либо планов на жизнь, единственная мечта которого это снова обрести грань между реальностью и сном, избавится от ужасных мыслей, которые с каждым днем все больше и больше погружают его в страдания.


1.BETA 0.18

-Sprite drawing technology test. For example, enemies in the style Сry of Fear.

-3 ready-made levels.

-3 types of weapons.

2.BETA 0.52(Only russian language, the english version is not ready yet.)


- Replaced all enemy sprites with better ones

-Added a new enemy with a gun, sawrunner cut out

-Full update of sounds and music

- Redesigned level 1 and 2

- Small fix for weapons

-added a long-awaited level on the street

-The game is no longer associated in any way with Cry of fear

and it is not part of its history as previously thought



-English(poor translation quality)

IV. Support

Since the game does not plan to switch to a paid price tag, you can support the game with your donation.

Так как игра не планирует переход на платный ценник, то вы можете поддержать игру своим донатом.

Donationalerts link


#horror #shooter #arcade #action #survival #retro #other #puzzle #soviet #russia

#scary #nightmare #fps #fear

Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language

I am officially stopping development of "Liar" indefinitely. Now I'm completely immersed in the development of "MAN OF THE VOID", you can already try out the demo version.

Hi everyone!
Liar was my first project, my first attempt at game development, texture creation, story writing. We need to go further, I cannot work on this engine due to bugs and incompleteness.

Now I am busy with another project, which takes a lot of time and effort, this is "MAN OF THE VOID". The game page is already there, but the details were not disclosed.

Hello everybody! Pretty much time has passed since the latest version. Unfortunately, Liar will not be finished in the near future and is frozen. Sorry for my English.
