Comments (13)

Hey, It's me, Nova, I need help opening the game.
can I be in the game?
Foi feito no pocket code?se sim,eu não vou poder jogar
Five Nights on Balli Add's Pizzeria Remastered
That game i had
Game Soundtrack
Extras Theme!
The game is remastered because of the traced art for the stupid ghosty gale plans,alright! THATS IT #fangame #survival #fnaf
Voice Actors:
Remastered @FiveNightsatBalliAddsGroup (none)
Remastered Nightmarefan5002(none)
Remastered Balli Add (none)
Remastered Malhose! (None)
Remastered Shadow Origin (none)
And etc.... (someone) #fnaf #horror #pointnclick #fnaf
Death Noise by @SunkyTehMemeLord
FnaS by TeamCyantix
FnaS MM by @PyroRapidFox
FnaF by Scott Cawthon #fnaf