Idiomas Español/Ingles
〷Game Action/Platformer/Spooky
✦Este es el Remake de mi primer juego, Plauders & la Moira de la sal Capitulos 1,2 y 3,Adjunto los links de el clasico por si alquien quisiera probarlos.✦
〷Capitulo 1:
〷Capitulo 2:
〷Capitulo 3:
✦Actualmente esta completo e incluye los 3 capitulos en la misma descarga.✦
✦Lopenna,una niña excentrica es atormetada por una Moria en sus sueños,pero aun que es astuta y malvada,Lopenna tambien.✦
Languages Spanish/English
✦This is the Remake of my first game, Plauders & la Moira de la sal Chapters 1,2 and 3, I am attaching the links to the classic in case anyone would like to try them.✦
〷Chapter 1:
〷Chapter 2:
〷Chapter 3:
✦It is currently complete and includes all 3 chapters in the same download.✦
✦ Lopenna, an eccentric girl, is tormented by a Moria in her dreams, but even though she is cunning and evil, Lopenna is also.✦
✦ WASD Move
✦ Mouse - Look
✦ Shift - Run
✦ Space - Jump/in the air Hold to Umbrella
✦ TAB - Inventory
✦ J - Journal
✦ LeftClick - Atack
✦ RightClick - Dodge
✦ E - Interactue