
3DSage's Raycaster in LOVE2D 11.4 + SOURCE
3DSage over on YouTube created a 3 Part tutorial on how to make a Raycaster
engine in the style of Wolfenstein3D.
Although his code is for C and OpenGL I rolled up my learning sleeves and dove in to convert what he made into something that works in LOVE2D.
This is a rough prototype built on top of my own "base" engine code so not everything in the file is needed.
If you just want the Raycaster code that's all under the "game.lua" file. If you want to use the screen scaler and other bits you're welcome to, but they have nothing to do with the core concept of the Raycaster. (Though I think the scaler modifications I made were pretty nifty)
Overall I hope this helps some people out there get started and if you want more excellent content on how to make 3D stuff then is your guy!