Comments (31)
Mfw this came out on my birthday (gamer moment)
this is a amazing game!!
cool game
fnaw 2 is the best game literally ever and its not even close if you disagree we will have to burn you alive
The 5.0 Release
consider this a side-grade because its only purpose is to be compatible with fsal
Five Nights at Lugig5's 2 - Generic FNAW2 Remake
omg what
You are a worker at Lugig Games Inc.
It seems that hallucinations of your co-workers are trying to kill you!
Story stuff aside, this is an indirect clone of Five Nights at Wario's 2 by WwwWario, and it's using characters that represent Lugig5 and whatnot. I didn't really have much of an idea in terms of characters but I felt like making fnaw 2 one day. Enjoy!