
Comments (12)

What do you think?

This was so good, I was so angry when the Credits came

Keep up the good Work, I can´t wait for the next Game

if i don't ask too much, would it be possible to upload the game playable on this site? mac user here, can't do much with .exe file, thus newgrounds loading speed feels like 56K Modem...

would be great if possible :)

This is.... I don't know what to say I'm completely speechless about what happens after they escape from that crazy hospital! And also hear the stories of other Dregg's from Alternative Realities, I was like "Whaaaaattttt????". And that Queen at the she someone's "you-know-who-I'm-talking-about" Mother? Cause that completely blow my mind there!

Hope you finish the second part CAUSE I WANNA KNOW THE ANSWER I'VE BEEN SEEKING SINCE.... ....well since the first game of course (^^;)....

This, surprisingly, answered more questions than it brought forth. And most of the ones it did bring forth are obviously going to be answered in the next game, as a continuation of this one. This is a first for the series.

Another masterpiece of VasantJ, can't say much more except get ready to go down the rabbit's hole...
Anything else I think about might be a spoiler...

Played on nG, 5/5 is not high enough to rate it !


Medieval Cop 10 - Part 1

Version: 0.1.0over 4 years ago

Resurrection: Part 1:

Dregg and Ada must escape the Mental Asylum and find the truth of their powers to successfully save the Universe from total degradation learning a few things about themselves on the way. #adventure #retro #pointnclick #funny #episodic #goodmusic

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
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