
Let's Make This Quick
Completed Cowboy's Revenge in under 2 minutes

Primate Rage
Received combo 99 or more in Cowboy's Revenge.

Completed without Damage in Cowboy's Revenge

Spoon is a Weapon
Parry ten Knights clad in armor in Paper Walk.

Attack hitting another enemy while in ball form in Paper Walk.

Completed without Damage in Paper Walk

Oh it's safe here
Completed "Ink Genocide" without getting hit by an explosion.

Gift for Dogs
Killed Dogs by a bomb dropped by the enemy in Ink Genocide

she doesn't need anyone
Completed without Damage in Ink Genocide

AAA!!! HOT!!!
Completed Hellish Apocalypse without ever touching the Boiling Sauce.

is this a Superhero?!
During an escape, super jump for more than two seconds in the Hellish Apocalypse.

There this Satan
Completed without Damage in Hellish Apocalypse

S Ranked #1
Obtained all S ranks in World 1.

P Ranked #1
Obtained all P ranks in World 1.

Are we playing cards?!
Touched every card in the Casino.

Get Loser
Kill all of the Dealers in the Casino.

how will we know! that someone like Miss Circle will threaten
Completed without Damage in Casino

Anti Punish
Avoid being touched by Principal of the Thing's ghost in the Ghost Fight.

it's I don't need to kiss
Killed Ten Lana Ghosts with a Super Taunt in Ghost Fight.

Abbie's Unwanted Death
Completed without Damage in Ghost Fight

Is this Minecraft?!
Found and destroyed Erry cube

Tree breaker
Destroyed every wood block in Candy Forest

Candy kill
Completed without Damage in Candy Forest

I'm not sick
Destroyed nearly every jar of iodine in Abandoned Hospital.

Run, Abbie, Run!
Activate each button only once in Abandoned Hospital.

Plague dead
Completed without Damage in Abandoned Hospital

S Ranked #2
Obtained all S ranks in World 2.

P Ranked #2
Obtained all P ranks in World 2.

Killed a Pirate with his own bomb in Pirate Hunt.

Uncover all the treasure guys in Pirate Hunt.

there to the Captain
Completed without Damage in Pirate Hunt

Bee Perfect
Stand next to a bee and taunt in Dacha Gnomes.

Killed a Lana with his own arrow in Dacha Gnomes.

there Anti Gnome
Completed without Damage in Dacha Gnomes

Primo Basketball Player
Get the highest rank in the courses of Space Jam.

Blast Em Asteroids
Destroy all asteroids in Space Jam.

There Nasty Humanoid
Completed without Damage in Space Jam

Surf every Skateboard in Land of Socks.

this TV show will never be shown
Killed Sockman Satellite in Land of Socks.

Completed without Damage in Land of Socks

S Ranked #3
Obtained all S ranks in World 3.

P Ranked #3
Obtained all P ranks in World 3.

Take a photo with every Mole City citizen.

set of vegetables
Find the root room.

Poor mole
Completed without Damage in Mole City

Whoop This!
Avoid getting damaged in the first secret of Abbiebot Factory.

There Can Be Only One
Destroyed every Abbie robot in Abbiebot Factory.

Nasty Zip deserved it
Completed without Damage in Abbiebot Factory

Free all the Penguins in The winter vacation.

You are not the real Santa Claus!
Killed 5 fake santas in The winter vacation.

There The Snow Queen
Completed without Damage in The winter vacation

Can't Fool Me
Avoid killing any paperboy cardboard in Cafe!

Paper Clan
Killed ten ninjas by parrying them in Cafe!

Completed without Damage in Cafe

S Ranked #4
Obtained all S ranks in World 4.

P Ranked #4
Obtained all P ranks in World 4.

Destroy every single skull block in Paper Scare.

Cross To Bare
Killed thirty Lana Ghosts in Paper Scare.

Fight of Two Clowns Masterpiece
Completed without Damage in Paper Scare

Let Them Sleep
Activate the alarms less than 6 times before the escape sequence of Don't Kill Me.

And this... My Gunl!
Killed every chasing Killer in the escape section of Don't Kill Me.

Now I'm not afraid of it!
Completed without Damage in Don't Kill Me

Trip to the Warzone
Finish WAR with more than a minute left.

Cool Warrior
Completed without a Miss in War

The Critic
Completed without Damage in War

Serves you right
winning the Boss Battle without Damage

S Ranked #5
Obtained all S ranks in World 5.

P Ranked #5
Obtained all P ranks in World 5.