Comments (6)
this is very cool epic
If so, may I use some scripts?
Is this psych engine?
"Just do what comes natural."
Welcome to the page for Madness: Project Funkin! This is a work in progress fan-sequel to the cult-classic rhythm game for the PS1, Friday Night Funkin. You know the deal.. its like Guitar hero, but with arrows n shit. Hit the arrow keys when the arrow is over the other arrow, y'know?
Madness: Project Funkin'
"Dope as fuck!" -PS Magazine 2006 Indie Edition
Finally, after everything, its all done and over with. Now, where were we? Oh yeah! Your about to make out with your super hot demon girlfriend, and then a PORTAL opens up beneath you two! Now ur stuck in a place where everything, and everyone, wants to kill you!!! The only way to win without getting your head blown off a dozen times? The power of music... Ready to sing ur heart out?

Director: Nekogirl1500
Coders: Ocip
Artists: Nekogirl1500
Boston Chessecake
Animators: TheCrossfire
Bekabekadiscoteka (Cutscene stuff)
Voice Actors: Boston Cheesecake
Di3g0 / Etrodis
Charters: Ocip
Boston Cheesecake
With contributions from:
Saster SJG
Air Eyez
Stay tuned for updates on progress, devlogs, and sneak peaks!
#fnf #fangame #rhythm #FridayNightFunkin #madness #madnesscombat #madcom #other #action #mpn #retro
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Use
Suggestive Themes
Strong Language
Crass Humor