Mario Forever Run (No Copyright, 2017)
2022 Note: This game is shit, why are you even playing this.
TIP: If the game doesn't open, Make sure you disable your antivirus.
This is an Old Game of 2017. I never released it yet because it needs improvement. anyway, This Game is Inspired of Super Mario Run (Obviously), I had fun making this game when i was 10.
So, If you want to see what's all about, Go ahead and Give it a Shot.
All Credits Go To/Sources Used:
Temple Run 2 - Frozen Shadows Music
Epidemic Sound - Sad Drama (i think.?)
Hasbro - Applebloom From MLP (Yes, She's here.)
Nintendo (Mentioned Below) - Super Mario Bros.
Baf/0'Brothers - Overworld Theme (Played on the Title Screen)
Foozogz - Find a Pet (Candy Mix)
This game is based on Mario Forever, a Super Mario fangame made by Buziol Games.
Mario and all relatives belong to Nintendo®