Comments (9)
for only being a demo this is one of the best episodes i've played
some feedback
the forest level has an issue with the checkpoint being a bit too close to enemies, causing some unfair deaths
tbh, that's the only complain i have, the levels are really fun and i can't wait for the full release
Your project seems really cool. Im working on a Mario FNF mod can I add your game to the mod? Please?
just in phone?
Mario Bros: Lost World (DEMO Build)
(download here: https://codehaus.wohlsoft.ru/)
Mario Bros Lost World OST: https://soundcloud.com/mariolostworld
A Super Mario fangame based off Mario Bros. Nes/Arcade game.
Mario and Luigi are working on the pipes when suddenly they find something off about one. The brothers both enter the pipe and are brought to this new world, something they've never seen before.
-Some Custom Tracks
-World Map
-New sprites
How to play:
-once you have the SMBX2 launcher, put the Lost World folder in the "Worlds" folder.
-Once done the game should appear in the launcher and ready to play
@PlushTastic : Director, Sprite & Background artist, Level creator
@SuperJasirBrosSJB: Sprite artist, Level creator
@Legoian : Sprite & Background artist.
@Overkill_Games : Musician
Amplifier: Musician
@skribzx2: Character design
Nintendo: Super Mario Franchise, Music, Sprites
#mario #luigi #retro #arcade #fangame