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Mario's Great Adventure

Version: 0.0.2about 6 years ago

This is a game I made when I was 13 (9 years ago :O) I found it when digging through my old files recently, it's a fully functional, 2D Mario game in the art style of Super mario all stars and with an overworld style very reminiscent of SMB3. Using the mario builder toolkit. There's 8 worlds and over 70 levels to play! The controls are as follows:

Arrow keys to move
Shift = Jump
Z = throw fireballs/attack
Hold Z to run
Space Bar to use item in item box (displayed at the top of the screen)
Z on overworld map to display current power-ups in storage
Shift to use a power-up in storage
press Z next to a plant to pick it up
press Z when standing on certain enemies to pick them up, Z again to throw
Hold Z to pick up koopa shells and blue blocks, release Z to throw them
Shift and up simultaneously = Spin Jump (utilised heavily near the end of the game)
Hold down Z and move before jumping to gain height on a jump
Up arrow to begin climbing vines
If you're lucky enough to find a tanooki suit press Down arrow + Z to turn into statue

the game will auto save after completion of a fortress or castle. Make sure if you load the game back up to press "Resume" rather than play.

WARNING: There is a huge bug at the moment with the game player, minimising it usually causes it to crash, and even switching tabs from the actual player can often cause it to crash. When playing the game please be wary of this and it is recommend that you only minimise the game or switch tabs after completing a fortress or castle, so if the game does crash at least it's saved. I am working on finding a fix for this, but have not had any success as of yet.

To quit the game, press esc on the hub world and then go down to "quit"

I hope you guys enjoy :)


Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
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