Comments (15)
Played the first version of this mod, didn't quite like it. New version is absolutely AMAZING. All of the songs are a BOP, New matt sprites look cool as HECK, the new mechanic is also absolutely amazing. 2 Bonus Songs one with a MODCHART is just Holy fuck. Such a massive step up from the first version. Very good. Might even beat Wiik 3 in terms of quality.
Honestly, I have a few problems with this mod. There are 2 versions I remember, 1.5.1 (which isnt perfect) and OG Matt Engine with bad hitreg. Problems I have with the 1.5.1 version is that GF in WiiK 3 isnt moving in all her sprites, WiiK 1 Audience isnt moving aswell, No endings at all. Problems with OG Matt Engine is minimal, but they exist, first, the animated bg in 1.5.1 is nowhere to be found (I hope this is fixed in WiiK 5), No Modcharts in OG Matt Engine, (Both) Icons aren't really good or bad to me. Hope some of this is fixed in WiiK 5.
best wiik ever
Can you please add the other songs from the first version, some people may not like them, but some people do.
Matt Wiik 4(FanMade)
A fanmade #fnf Mod By @Robomaster10123 , @ThatboiKorra, @BoxOfRocks
, @Oolexx--
, @VicePresidentSam
, @One_Fluffy_Boi, @ExpKing
, and @HypeSquid1