Comments (2)
What exactly is the objective of the game? A trailer video would help and more screenshot asset details is best if you plan to sell the game because as it is, it is a little limited.
Hello and welcome to The Factory! We are happy to have you as our new waste disposal manager! We hope you find your work here interesting and the pay at least satisfying.
Please note the rules and regulations for your time here:
No eating in the workplace.
No sleeping in the workplace.
Stealing is not tolerated.
Remain in your designated work zone until you are escorted out at the end of your shift by an official member of the upper level workforce.
Questions regarding the ethics of work done will be ignored.
None of the crates are to be opened or examined in any way. If this rule is broken, immediate punishment will follow.
If any production is held up, the waste disposal manager will be held responsible.
For your own safety, only operate the experimental reactors fans if absolutely necessary.
Mechanical equipment may only be operated by the waste disposal manager in order to assist with his or her duties.
Entering backup message...
Stop this
What is the game about:
In Mekanizm you play the part of one of the many employees at GenoTech Incorporated, as the waste disposal manager, your objective is to utilize the cameras in the control room in order to disable and/or enable the machines which block your way or otherwise prevent you from reaching certain areas so that you can find crates that contain waste and dispose of them in the burner which lies in the room adjacent to the control room. In the end your final objective is for one to get rid of every crate in the facility and for two to discover what it is that this company is hiding having fired and hired multiple waste disposal managers in the last few months. Luckily they have left training tapes that might unravel some of the mystery.
I would really appreciate feedback from you guys about bugs or things you don't and do like so i can adjust the game accordingly.
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