
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Decent first attempt! Here's what I wrote down while playing and analysing:

movement feels a little too sticky, consider adding to `horizontalMove` and then lerping it back to 0 every frame to allow carry of momentum (rather than setting it each frame)

add a big 2d collider under the level that teleports the player back to spawn (or last valid ground stood on, for anti-frustration). look into OnTriggerEnter on the Unity docs and implement that

make the music so it doesn't make me wanna die

*Note* Everything is subject to change.*

Just another platformer , Hop your way through the mellow caves and locals you will be visiting as you go through your time here. Explore secrets and other mystery

Note: This is my first game ever really developed on a actual game engine, So there will be bugs and errors, I would love any feedback givin on how to make the game better as time goes on!

You can track my progress below and see what things I plan on adding as well!

have a wonderful day

Progress here:

#adventure #platformer

Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!