Comments (425)
Really cannot say how much I enjoyed this, I have not completed all the demo has to offer yet but I plan to keep exploring it.
The animations and moving around the field feels very fluid, and the pace worked to let me figure out the interface and things bit by bit without being instant death.
Overall I am thrilled to see a game like this and look forward to exploring the demo further and seeing future development.
What game my friends, simply, very well worked and very frenetic, super recommended, I liked this game too much, I wanted to be able to make an equal but I do not have the ability to create one, then just test the same games, and congratulations, yours are great.
An online mode would look good, with general rpg style levels!
Hey! I did an analysis and review of the game! I hope it helps and ya enjoy it!
I am so glad this exists, Megaman battle network is one of my favorite series, thank you for making this.
One Step From Eden Demo
Mega Man Battle Network inspired Roguelike!
OUT NOW: https://www.onestepfromeden.com/
-Please consider Liking the game above! Thank you for the support! <3
One Step From Eden is out now on PC and Switch!
We had a Successful Kickstarter! Thank you all so much!
One Step From Eden is a deckbuilding roguelike with relentless real-time Battle Network combat. Cast powerful spells on the fly, battle evolving enemies, find game-changing artifacts, make friends or make enemies, just make it to Eden.
Discord: http://discord.gg/OSFE

Tags #roguelike #retro #bullethell #deckbuilding #action #rpg #strategy #adventure #scifi #arcade #shooter