
Comments (8)

What do you think?

YO the author's music choice is fucking magnificent. good taste. hats off to ya)

this is a pretty good demo! it doesn't have any bugs, every sprite and music piece seems to be working fine and the story is engaging! also, for a demo this is pretty long, but despite being long its never boring - good job!

also, i have a few suggestions to better the game. firstly, when mighty has a talk with the ghost on the cliff and the story about lord-keepers starts scrolling - the story goes too fast to read everything, if you can, you should lower the speed when the scrolling message starts. another thing has to do with the trees from the tileset - i see that you imported some and the game feels more fresh with new tiles, but you should change it so trees from the imported tilesets work like normal ones. go to the tilesets and click on the tree's top tiles until they have a star icon - this way the characters will be able to pass through them like with the normal trees! another visual problem i've found is with mighty's eye after the five-year timeskip when he has a different sprite. his black eye seems to be transparent (the black part - the red pupil is in tact and looks proper).

i also have another suggestion that has to do more with the plot more that the gameplay - i think that you should change saric sonic to another demon or character - his sprite looks out of place in the game and i think he doesn't quite fit. also, if your game goes popular sega might have a copyright dispute with you over the character. i would suggest changing saric to a demon-god (or just a demon) from religion or mythology - like demiurge, belial or even coronzon (jajajajaja). but, alas, its on your part - this is your game and your plot, not mine, after all.

in the end, this is a good demo - i'll be looking forward to the full release for the game and i wish you best of luck, Omega Mighty! take care!

Hello, I played your demo and watched your devlog at I noticed while extracting the game that most of the game is music files, music files which are are definitely not royalty free and as someone who has made a lot of RPG Maker games (As memes mostly.) I can say this definitely looks like a first project. If you need royalty free music I have a hefty supply from my attempts at development. This game is really rough, I know it's a demo but I mean the game itself. I also notice your writing isn't the strongest, I can't fault you for the coding. Honestly I hope you manage to finish this if this is what you want to make. I can see you have ideas but I can also tell you don't really have an idea set in stone, I would try to write story scripts to make things more manageable. Finish it in chunks, not all at once. Otherwise you will never finish it. I always begin with story, than dialogue, than art, than music, than I begin working on the game. If there is something you are having trouble with there are hundreds of tutorials online. Also if you need me to edit your game description for grammar I could do that too. Overall I give the demo 2/10.


Omega Mighty: Origin

Version: 1.3.2almost 3 years ago
This is the fixed verison were the arena and red ring part got mess up that I decided to fixed the issue derp

{ Warning }

This game will have swear words, there will be also loud noises, blood, alcohol and lastly dark.. you have been warned..


{ Story }

You play the role as Omega Mighty who lives a normal life with his father until tragedy strikes at night he accidentally release a demon out from the game and has been given a taste of dark power... Five years later he has been reborn as half-human, half-demon as he travels to find his own father and finding out what happened during Five years time skip...


  • Boss fight

  • Easter eggs

  • Secret..

  • Story-driven

  • Refence

  • and more!

    #rpg #Omega

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Crass Humor


So I did some fixes and if ya download the game, please Uninstall it because imma about to upload a fixed verison!

So umm.. I forgot to mention nor fix this kind of issue..

But there's the arena part that I forgot to finish the part if you win against smiling dog instead of losing against him.

So I'll be fixing it real soon!

Keep giving me review for me to improve

Game is now complete and it is out!!

So hhh- I did sort of rush a little but everything else is all good.

Report any issue with the game and I'll make sure to make a update soon.. until then enjoy!

Game is now 95% complete.

Gonna rest up and then finish by tonight!

And yes... this is official the first game to be actual be finished!!


Extending the release day to March 3rd due to me having family game night.

My apologies forks, he game is really close to finish, 79% done