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The fuk
Mr Poopy : Breakout !
Mr. Poopy is sick after eating a bunch of old sushis.
He decides to take a bath in his disgusting and dirty bathroom.
He was trying to relax when he feels suddenly the need to take a dump.
From his legendary bu** cheeks he shoots some missiles made with fecal subtances and weird items.
Help our hero in his misadventures by breaking the bricks but be careful, some of them could give you a hard time.
Avoid the diahrea, hallucinogenic or spicy bricks.
After each chapter, you will improve Mr. Poopy bathroom.
You can collect more than 80 fecal missiles to help you in your mission.
Collect also toilet papers in order to buy the poops projectiles you like the most.
Why should you play at Mr. Poopy?
-It's an entertaining game FREE.
-A breakout game made with love and diahrea.
-100 levels, each time new and fun to never get bored.
-80 poops to collect (basic/special/epic/legendary).
-The unique universe of Mr. Poopy with his crazy and fantasmagoric designs.
-Hollywood special effects straight on your screen thanks our professional team.
-Mr. Poopy needs you !!! Rescue our hero from his miserable life with your amazing skills.