
Mythril Kingdom
After the death of Amemarad the king of Mythril Kingdom his two champions, and heirs, Karii and Du'akar decide to fight to the death in Galakitu Hill over the Mythril Kingdom throne.
Destroy your enemy base to win. You can revive your fallen minions but it will cost you 60 EXP (so think wisely!). You can also destroy neutral bases and minions to gain EXP and to stop your enemy from doing the same"). leveling increase your state and help you on your way to victory.
The game supports single player as well as local multiplayer
WASD: movement
RMB: Range Attack
MMB: AOE Attack
LMB: Sword Attack
F: Toggle minion target
R: Revive minion
P.S: player can change controls at the option menu
Game SoundTracks:
Here & Now (RPG Edit)
One Man Army
4Knights Entertainment
Mohamed Mahgoub
Amir Suliman
~Audio Designing~
~2D/3D Art~
Amir Suliman
~Story and Level Design~
Mohamed Mahgoub
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