Comments (15)
i gonna be a easter egg like golden freddy?
this is like a ultimate fan-game night?
Hello can i be in the projet? pls
Y'know you can just call Blacklight's OC by Blacklight
this game is awesome!
This Game has NOTHING to do With Nicoderfans and Friends Custom Night
It's WAY more Different
Hey, Welcome to Nicoderfans and Friends Dinner: A Fun Dinner!
here, we will show you a cool game with cool story (Maybe) and a nice gameplay
When Freddy's Fazbear Pizzeria Closed His Doors in 1985, 11 Years Later, The Company ''Family's Dinner Co.'' Opens the Restaurant ''Nicoderfans and Friends Dinner'' on 1996. The Owner and Director of the Company and Also the Restaurant, William Robinson, Created a Machine in where he can Recreate a Person IRL, Videogames, Cartoons, etc. That's how he Created The Main Characters and Others for the Restaurant, he was in the needs of a Security Guard, that's where Michael Thomson Accepts the Job, Nothing Could Go Wrong on his Job, Right...?
Michael Thomson (Player): @TheSuperYoshiHero
Billy Thomson (Player's Brother): Pending...
Jake Anderson (Phone Guy): @BombOmb
Jeremy Fright (Player's Best Friend): Pending...
William Robinson (Player, Jake and Jeremy's Boss): @alex_pikmin
Nicoderfans: @TheSuperYoshiHero
Super Yoshi: @TheSuperYoshiHero
Geko: @GekoGamesNCreations
Robert: Pending...
Highcell: @Highcell
Jam: Pending...
Renan: @renanthefangameplayer
??????: @TheSuperYoshiHero
??????: Pending...
????: Pending...
?????: Pending...
???????????: Pending...
??????????: Pending...
?????????: Pending...
?????? ????: Pending...
????????? ?????????: @Highcell
??????: @TheSuperYoshiHero
FNaF by: @realscawthon
FNaS by: @TheCyVap
@TheSuperYoshiHero - Director - Ideas - Concept Artist - Minor Artist - Sound Designer
@GekoGamesNCreations - Creator of Geko
@RobertTheGreenBoy - Creator of Robert
@Highcell - Creator of Highcell and ????????? ?????????
@BlueJam - Creator of Jam
@renanthefangameplayer - Creator of Renan