
Comments (4)

What do you think?

Umas das melhores fangames de FNAF

genial, espero q acabe cedo (PS: eu sou da comunidade ;D)

what do u use for your art, its really Good!

muito lindo muito bom


Night With MRmorian DEMO

Version: 0.1.6almost 4 years ago
Welcome this is the demo of Night's with MRmorian this demo has 2 nights have fun!!!

Game Soundtrack

3 songs

Hey guys i'm MRmorian one of the characters of the game and the creator of Nights With MRmorian i live at Brazil and i'm out of ideas making a description so... now i'm making the description a devlog like.

What is About the game?

The game is a FNAF Fan game almost all the character are from a community more specifically the Power Point Games Community, and yes you can make a full game with PowerPoint. some of the character like me are real people from the community like: me, João Ball, Matheus Primagi, Figames and etc

How the game idea start

At 2018 i think, there are 4 versions of the game

the first one was pretty bad heres a vídeo about the first version

yeah it's pretty bad it was made in Powerpoint and it was my second game i made up i never finished that version there's nothing to talk about

now let's talk about the second one was still using powerpoint as the game engine, the art was improved but i dind't like that version all the animatronics looks like marionnet heres a vídeo about the trailer to this version

there's some changes with the cenarios but they are still the same is the aspect just a little more pretty,this one was very close to be published but why i scraped that version? i don't know ether

the third version of this game i don't have fotage about but it was interesthing it goes to another direction of the game being a free roam game but it was scraped because it goes to another direction and i don't want that i wanna get a fnaf not a Rezident evil but in powerpoint, i still wanna make a game like this but for now i wanna make a fnaf

and now the final version the version on Gamejolt the, the version where it's not powerpoint and yes Clickteam oh yeah baby that the version i'm working right now heya

What are the Mechanics?

i don't wanna reveal much about that and i will only talk about "new" things not the simple 2 doors to your right and left the games has that but thats not the focus let's start list right now

  • simple animatronic movement

  • vents

  • smile in the dark

  • big face at the camera

  • Power

that not all the ideas because i don't wanna make spoilers and thats all

Who are the character and how do they work?

i have an image of 6/10 characters because i don't wanna spoiler all the game before it launches

  • he first one is me MRmorian he starts at cam 1 he makes his path until he reachs your left door hes bonnie

  • the second one is João ball he starts at cam 1 and makes his path until he reachs the right door hes chica

  • the third one is diferent than past others shes the only girl animatronic and she a fictional character so shes not real, she start at cam 1 and makes her path to go in the vent behind you, to close the vent is at the cameras (fun fact: she was sans in the vesion 1 and 2)

  • the forth is Matheus Primagi and not Mr.L hes foxy but he runs at your right door and not left

  • the fifth is Figames hes ballon boy ween he enter at you office he will not kill you but he will drain power and close both of your doors draining even more power

  • The sixth and last one of the list is Broken eye hes puppet just that hes puppet and no his face is not the image one it's another one

and thats it

Are these messages really from real guy that comment in this page or you just make questions to your self?

no no never i'm not introvertive, lonely and have imagine friend ha ha ha... i'm gonna head out

#fangame #horror #survival #pointnclick #strategy #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

song name reveal oh yeah B)


The game is now going to have original song all then are going to be made by Fire#3088 (whats happening with this game)

hey some news here for NWMR, the game has all 5 nights finished now it's just night 6 and custom night, also the game will have skins that will be avaliable if you do a little chalenge (tottaly not stolen from FNAS), hope you all are good and see'ya ;)


i'm going to start posting some tweets about the game check it out if you want to see the tweets ;)


Camera 02 redone with some changes in the mechanics like the usage meter changed for 5 to 4 and a new animatronic :)

i will start to remake some things like the cameras office just to make it more pretty and more life


planning on something