
Comments (2)

What do you think?

I think that this game is awesome so far! My only real recommendations would be to try to make the controls a little bit less glitchy (it may be me and not the controls though) and make the monster/alien things a little easier to attack as it is kind of hard to tell when a good opportunity to punch them is.


Nightmare Demo

Version: 1.1.0over 3 years ago
A demo of the game. This game still in developement

Nightmare is a horror-themed narrative and platform game, In this game we will be playing as a youngster who lives with his parents, It's been a few weeks since her mother falls ill, after several consultations there is nothing about the symptoms,These symptoms get worse and she is hospitalized in an emergency,
Hours pass until his father calls the house to give his son the bad news ,his mother suffers from cancer ,After that news every night the youngster manifests nightmares about this situation and to be able to face it until the expected end.#platformer #horror #retro

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Suggestive Themes

Redesign of Void. I really like this design than the first concept I made.

Somethig is lurking in the deeps of Sorrow and Darkness. Gess what is it?

Find Out Soon....

A little sneak peek of the design of a giant Monster VOID, its not finished yet. I like to know about your thought about this design in the coments. Thank you so much for following my project.