
Comments (2)

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Version: 1.0.2over 3 years ago

Nihilo - Definitive Demo (all of Chapter 1) is now available for download! (4+ hours of gameplay)
Please see instructions on installation below.

Estes was just fourteen years old and dealing with the loss of his father when The Calamity occurred. Objects of unknown origin had struck near Ignarosa, the capital of Autenon, with the force so great the dust blotted the sky out and led to three months of freezing and unrelenting snow. People died of cold and starvation, and only a few isolated enclaves lived to see the Months of Blizzard end as suddenly as they started. During this time, many plants and animals were also decimated or driven to extinction. In their place, new and dangerous creatures to fill the void, many with a mysterious link to The Calamity itself...

Ten years later, Estes and his friend Nikolai are sent out from their home town of Jupa to make contact with survivors further north, and learn what they know of Calamity. Estes also hopes to see Makal, his formerly beautiful birthplace, while Nikolai is searching for the man who betrayed his father. Their journey will take them halfway across the barren lands of Autenon and grow more complex than anyone had imagined...

- Completely fleshed out Custom Menu System -
- Heavily modified DBS with entirely animated monsters-
- Heavy immersion, explorable objects and locations -
- A variety of weapon customization and character upgrades -
- Original and heavily modified graphic work -
- Optional quests -
- A Current Objective menu (Game log, to keep you on track of the main story) -
- A detailed Enemy Intel (Bestiary) -
- 20-30 hours of gameplay -
- Original soundtrack -

#rpg #turnbased #PostApocalyptic #scifi #jrpg

16 AUGUST 2021


1. If you have ANY issues with the game's fonts, please download and install these fonts to your PC

2. Keep the game's executable file (Nihilo - Definitive Demo v1.0.exe) IN the folder it came in.

3. There will be bugs!

4. Please share and enjoy with your friends!


~~~ FAQ ~~~

Q: How do I run the game?
A: 1. Extract the folder from the zip file to your desired location
2. Open the folder and run the executable (Nihilo - Definitive Demo v1.0.exe)

Q: What are some tips to reduce lag?
A: Close unnecessary applications. Windows Explorer tends to slow
the game down if you have folders open with lots of files or
thumbnails. For minigames that are resource-intensive, shift
will usually switch to a mode that is faster (but doesn't look
as pretty). Disabling overlays from the config menu may help

~~~Version Patches~~~


Version 1.0.2 Patches:


Fix - Corrected a few known typos/text errors/misspellings

Adjustment - Lowered endgame mini-game difficulty; Reticle speed increased, enemy damage decreased, and user damage increased


Version 1.0.1 Patches:


Fix - Corrected issue with some interactive events when controls changed to Shift=Run/X=Menu


Version 1.0.0 Patches:


Completion - Chapter 1 completed!

Fix - Completely revamped monster HP bar gauge display

Fix - Corrected a few known typos/text errors/misspellings

Fix - Corrected Auto-Save writing over 1st Manual save slot data

Fix - Corrected empty load slots being selected bringing you to the game's title screen

Fix - Corrected bug that allowed player to walk during messages being displayed

Fix - Corrected slight message box transparency issues resulting in hard to read texts

Fix - Adjusted character portraits behind message box

Fix - Corrected some minor battle animation issues

Fix - Corrected optional party member, Matisse's LVL being doubled when entering party

Fix - Corrected bug where battle will end if Estes and Nikolai die when Matisse is in the party

Fix - Corrected optional boss not returning after double attack if two characters are KOd

Fix - Corrected status effects and conditions descriptions in menu

Fix - Corrected a bug that prevented negative status affects from displaying when afflicted

Fix - Medisol's actually heal the proper amount of HP they're intended to now (33% of MaxHP)

Fix - Adjusted 1st battle tutorial to explain functions more clearly

Implementation - Disabled the ability to keep walking while transitioning from map to map

Implementation - Added a "Fast-Load" feature at start of game

Implementation - Added explanation on date system in menu(ex. DIA: Month: 22 Day: 19 Year: 815)

Implementation - Added optional 8-way/4-way toggle in menu

Implementation - Added optional run key change (shift/x) in menu

Implementation - Added 5 manual save slots rather than the previous 1 manual save and 1 auto-save (auto-save function still exists)

Implementation - Revamped EXFONT icons

Implementation - Added current "mode" picture in battle UI for all characters that can mode swap

Implementation - Created two new fonts for game (no longer need to install these)


~~~ Conclusion ~~~

Please enjoy the game! 

If you'd like to report any bugs found or just contact me in general,

you can reach me via the links below.

Thank you,


Intense Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore
Tobacco Use
Strong Language
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