
NoRhythm Ludum Dare Edition
NoRhythm WebGL
NoRhythm is an #indie #arcade #rhythm game originally created for #LudumDare 45 with the theme "Start with nothing".
This game was created by @mzaptross (mzaptross) and @codydavid96
(codydavid96) in 3 days!
— Controls —
keyboard: all keys type letters into the console at the beginning of the game
mouse: left click to interact with buttons
escape: open options / pause menu
A, S, D/J, K, L: hit notes on the piano roll, and hold from start to finish on the long notes!
Hitting a note exactly on time will result in a perfect where the note turns purple! Similarly, notes turn green for good, grey for hitting it too early and red for missing it when you hit too late.
Super secret hint: when opening the game for after your first time, try load.all()