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Triple trouble SZ mix Charted
here's the Credits,
Song: Noichi
Chart: CappyNappy
Bf: Iandee Abanid
/ One Shot Mania
Sad Tails, Sonic.EXE and Soul Eggman: Tails EXE V2
Knuckles: Sonic.Err V1 (No download sadly)
Eggman: Spirits of Hell
Soul knuckles: ETAKS
Sonic.Exe killing all souls: Hell's Incarnation
Soul Tails and ycr xeno: sonic.exe redrawn
Bf Perspective: Super Funkin' Galaxy V2
Background: Exeternal / Exeternal TT
Chart: It's Obvious
Xeno: The Last Round
Xeno Finally form: I would put Hell Reborn v1 here but the link there is gone so this is where I Got it > Archive
Soul Tails's ghost: Myths of Yamaha
ghost encore bf: Rexevival / Jesek4=)
Perspective encore ghost bf: Encore Reborn
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