
Comments (2)

What do you think?

You got alot of great ideas for games


SwapSwap: New Fate is my take on the SwapSwap AU with new designs, familiar faces and perhaps a few hijinks too.

*Note: This is not based on PopcornPr1nce's UnderSwap. Rather, I interpret the swap character swap for myself first, and then swap them back again, while keeping some of their "swapped" stuff


The gameplay is highly similar to Undertale. The RPG element remains the same, and the only 2 main differences in battle are you now have a defend button like in Deltarune, and sprites are now coloured.

--- Instructions ---

[Z] - Confirm

[X] - Go Back

[C] Menu (in-game)

[Hold Q] Quit to menu (make sure to save!)

When your HP hits 0, you lose

#undertale #rpg #fangame #altgame #retro

Fantasy Violence
Tobacco Use
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling

Character Database: Toriel

(please excuse the sprites, I haven't sprited many other characters besides sans before and Tori is one of them. also the reason she doesn't have a fight anymore lol)

just wanna say I'm sorry for taking so long with the next database. It's Toriel, and while her OW sprite was easy enough, I'm having trouble with her battle. Rest assured, it should be out within the next day or two

Thanks! - @HorrorBoy

Character Database: Flowey (although he doesn't know that's his name)

Character Database: Sans

(this time not hacked by Sans)

Character Database: Sans ebig hotr edition dx