
dire dire docks
you will never get this, only I, dire will have this achievement, sorry all you completionists out there


Bears Attack
Complete the Bears Attack challenge

Random Disaster
Complete a Random Disaster challenge

Boing, Boing, Boing
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

New and Shiny
Complete the New and Shiny challenge

Wow, you watched that for a very long time...

Close Call
Maybe next time Freddy...

Burnt to the Ground
Complete the Burnt to the Ground challenge

Locked in the Closet
Complete the Locked in the Closet challenge

Back From the Bunker
Complete the Back From the Bunker challenge

Hear No Evil
Complete the Hear No Evil challenge

Ladies Night
Complete the Ladies Night challenge

Old Friends
Complete the Old Friends challenge

Rabbits Ravage
Complete the Rabbits Ravage challenge

Welcome Back!
Return to OCN

Rusty and Old
Complete the Rust and Old challenge

The Original Gang
Complete the Original Gang challenge

You Got Nerves...
I didn't know you could honk his nose too..

Escape From the Simulation
Complete the Escape From the Simulation challenge

The Ultimate Contenders
Complete the Ultimate Contenders challenge

Absolute Oddities
Complete the Absolute Oddities challenge

Watch Out!
Complete the Watch Out! challenge

Double Trouble
Complete the Double Trouble challenge

Boys Night Out
Complete the Boys Night Out challenge

Developers Pick
Complete the Developers Pick challenge

Polished and Ready
Complete the Polished and Ready challenge

Chaos, Chaos, Chaos
Complete the Chaos challenge

Achieve this trophy to view the description.

The Master of OCN
Obtain every possible achievement.

Golden Freddy
Complete the Golden Freddy challenge.