Comments (9)
"one night with no reason to exist" is the best name for a game BRO YOU ARE FUC*IN* GENIUS
One Night Complete
The best game comparing to JR's is trash and FNaC 4 too.
It's good
Nice job
But the game glitch when I die every time lol
One Night With No Reason To Exist
The main remake, by me, OCH.
One Night With No Reason To Exist CLASSIC
The original version in its latest.
Game Soundtrack
Menu Theme - "Garden", by Scratch
A single night with seemingly no reason to exist.
Fend off against Stickman and his friends in a VERY long night (for context, it's 10pm - 8am).
ONWNRTE is my own spin on Awezome's "1 night with no reason to exist". It's not an "official" remake, but either way, I made a god-awful game.
Original game here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/240462193/
Don't spam the camera button.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence