Comments (24)

beat the salvage demo B)
Salvage Demo
OUN Contains:
Story Mode
Custom Nights and more!
After the events of Six Squeaky Nights, The animatronics were put up for sale because of an.. Incident at the resturant. The manager of the location decided to make his own resturant, and buys them plus animatronics that were put up for sale in other places. You decided to work at the resturant.. What could go wrong?
@TheJunkyGuy - Concept Artist, Creator of JS, Secondary-Director, Ideas
@Eggyproductions - Main Artist, Secondary Coder, Creator of FNWB, Main-Director
@DrDevGuy - Creator of ONWAS
@Bendytaco - Main Coder, Secondary Artist, Creator of FNABOL
@Loxmer-Larson - Bobit's voice actor, Phone guy
The Characters are from these games
-Just Squeaky
-One Night With a Stickman
-Six Long Nights with Bobit
-Five nights at Bendy Taco’s: Original Location Remastered
What's left to do
Menu - Settings, Transitions
Gameplay - Almost everything
Cameras - Everything
Title Screen - Animations (May not be included in full game)
Office - Jumpscares
Voice Acting - Almost every voice line (Only 5 have been made)
Salvaging - Everything
Cutscenes - Every Cutscene
Total game percent
Main interface (such as the menu) : 0%
Office: 0%
Cameras: 0%
Bendy's AI: 0%
Bobits's AI: 0%
Squeaky's AI: 0%
Stickman's AI: 0%
Salvages: 0%
The game cannot be worked on as of now because bobit does not have a laptop anymore.
qwq #fnaf