Comments (36)
Will this ever get an english version?
Hello, I've downloaded and install your game (eng version, the install was still on french but ok) and it throws a error at me: "Repertoir introuvable"
La 1.0 est sortit :P
Je vais un peu mieux, j'ai commencer a travailler sur le jeu :3
I'm going a little better, I started working on the game :3
Je fait une pause temporaire sur la progression de mon jeu pour cause de dĂ©pression, jâespĂšre que vous comprendrais, bonne annĂ©e a vous aux passage.
I take a temporary break on the progress of my game because of depression, I hope you understand, happy new year to you in passing.
Onirarium [FR]
Onirarium [ENGLISH]
Onirarium [Multilanguage + Zip]
FR :
Devis , scientifique expĂ©rimental des songes, va ĂȘtre transfĂ©rĂ© sur le serveur des somnolents, un groupe de scientifiques expĂ©rimental et secret capable de matĂ©rialiser les pensĂ©es humaines.
Mais il va se retrouver bloquĂ© dans l' Onirarium, et petit Ă petit, suite Ă son voyage, il va vouloir comprendre ce monde. MalgrĂ© lui, il va ĂȘtre entraĂźnĂ© dans une grande guerre s'imposent alors a lui, entre l'ordre, la loi des anges, et l'unification, ou le chaos, l'anomie et le changement perpĂ©tuel des dĂ©mons. EN :
Devis, an experimental scientist of dreams, is about to be transferred to the Sleepers' server, a secret and experimental group of scientists capable of materializing human thoughts.
However, he will find himself trapped in the Onirarium, and little by little, following his journey, he will want to understand this world. Against his will, he will be drawn into a great war, where he must choose between orderâthe law of the angels and unificationâor chaos, anomie, and the perpetual change of the demons.
#other #rpg #platformer #survival #strategy #puzzle #adventure #oniric
Instruction >
EN :
If the game does not launch, it is probably because your PC has converted the accent Ă© into something else
I advise you in this case to download the Zip version
FR :
Si le jeu ne se lance pas, c'est probablement car votre PC a converti les accent Ă© en autre chose
Je vous conseil dans se cas de télécharger la version Zip