Comments (104)
From the blogs added it seems you understand the issues that this game has and have worked hard to avoid them in future games, so I'm just going to say Thank you for releasing this, I enjoyed getting creeped out in the House Party house, and I'll definitely take a look at Mirror Souls.
This game has a very good atmosphere. I definatley think that this game has great potential. Im excited for the full game.
Very good demo cant wait for full
10/10 recommend trying
Models look amazing
pretty good achivement for markiplier to play good job!
Это маленкий инди хоррор от первого лица начинаеться с первой главы.
Эмбиент просто шикарный,до мурашек пробирает!Посмотри не пожалеешь!
Chapter 1
This chapter was released mostly to give the player some few information about the story behind this game, giving some small area to work with and explore with some really good surround ambience for you to recognize where sounds are coming from.
Chapter 1

Help Funding This Project!
Our Own Light
I am a small indie game developer that loves horror type of games. My goal is to create a great game not only using simple and old used techniques of horror such as cheap jumpscares and others, I am more into psycological mind games that helps create a deep story that makes the player get more into it once it goes advancing through the map. This fundraiser will help me with the following:
Chapter 1
This chapter was released mostly to give the player some few information about the story behind this game, giving some small area to work with and explore with some really good surround ambience for you to recognize where sounds are coming from.
Disclaimer: This chapter is not full, it's just there to introduce you part of the story and give you an idea of how the game will be.
Making a horror game is not that simple, for most, repetitive cheap jumpscares and mechanics are still going around through years. I am planning on being creative and unique into creating one great psycological horror game.
Thanks so much to:
-Nicole Ly
-Daniel Fonseca
-Ashley Mendoza
For collaborating in this awesome game, love you all!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/luminous_void
Created by Carlo Tejeda.
© Copyright 2017 Luminous Void Studios, Ltd.
Mild Realistic Violence