
You Played Project Beans.
You launched Project Beans

1 Kill
Eh, another 49 kills to go to reach 50 kills

50 Kills
You're making it there, another 50 kills to go.

100 kills
Good job, another 400 kills to go to reach 500

500 Kills
Amazing Job, 500 More Kills to go.

1000 Kills
Wow bro that's a lot of kills, Now lets see if you can get another 1000 kills

2000 Kills
Okay bro, Calm down stop restarting the game OVER AND OVER to get kills, But aye good job for the good work and you being patient. Now to get the Platinum trophy, get 3000 more kills to prove yourself.

5000 Kills
Just.. How

Secret Trophy
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

You're a Beta Tester
You tested Project Beans.