
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Looks intresting :D

Dan Dan the Mattress Man




You will play as Miles, a detective from a private corporation that wants to investigate about Dany's franchise; Dan's Restaurant and Jack's Island. Miles has the job to investigate the abandoned Dan's restaurant that was closed 10 years ago with the inaguration of Jack's Island. But when he enters to Dan's restaurant and turns on the power the place closes leaving Miles locked with the animatronics during 6 days. Will he be able to escape and found the secrets of Dan's Restaurant and Dany Folse?


Jugarás como Miles, un detective de una corporación privada que quiere investigar sobre la franquicia de Dany; Dan's Restaurant y Jack's Island. Miles tiene el trabajo de investigar el abandonado Dan's Restaurant que fue cerrado 10 años después de la inauguración de Jack's Island. Pero cuando entra a Dan's Restaurant y enciende la electricidad el lugar cierra dejando a Miles encerrado con los animatronicos durante 6 días. ¿Será capaz de escapar y encontrar los secretos de Dan's Restaurant y Dany Folse?


Game information:

This game is a reimagination of:

Project Dan (Because I deleted the project my fellow @VD_HollowDusk posted a copy of it):



@ByDivad999: Original creator and some game ideas responsible.

@Alff_999 : New Artist, Coder and Tester

@VD_HollowDusk: Some game ideas responsible, tester, responsible for most game sounds.

#fangame #horror #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Mild Language
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