
Comments (30)

What do you think?

The game speed is really fast maybe there is a way to slow down the game abit :)

The Game Improved

please, which music did you use in hidrocity?

Why it's alway Russian

why is my game lagging and how do i stop it?


Sonic.exe the peaceful hell: Chapter one

Version: 1.5.08 months ago
Fix a lot of problems ! make Hydrocity chase level more easier.... add a level select (If you want to skip any level you tried before) change Emerald hill zone to Emerald night zone! Now the game is more playable! have fun :D

a new adventure with our classic heros !
sonic and Tails and knuckles!
plus the game is available on pc!
enter the game and enjoy the new levels and the amazing story!
not just that you can collect the chaos emeralds and get the super form !
all of that and more in SØni̢c̷.e̡e̸Z͢o͏xe̡e̸xe̡e̸xxZ͢o͏x
play it NOW!!!!!!!!!!

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed

A huge update!
Fix a lot of problems !

make Hydrocity chase level more easier....

add a level select (If you want to skip any level you tried before)

change Emerald hill zone to Emerald night zone!

Now the game is more playable! have fun

A new demo!
Sonic.exe the peaceful hell chapter two (the survived fox demo)
(there is level select now)

link for chapter:

update: add more ( infinity ) life in hydrocity
add glitch effect in title screen and intro ( all of that not in the easy mode )
( Sonic.exe the peaceful hell )

Chapter 2 (SUPER Knux demo)
is OUT!
Have fun!
link for chapter two: