
Comments (2)

What do you think?

(Oh) Gonna get funky;

why would jeffy do that. (this looks cool)

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Drug Use
Tobacco Reference
Crass Humor

El Diego’s Icon that appears on titlecards

Nvm we are keeping El Diego

Also it’s Planned to release demo 1 on the end of July - to the start of august

Doise’s New Boss Replacement (on the noisipedia)

Oh yeah, we will also replace death mode so SD Doesn’t murder us

There will be another rank alongside the lap medal, a death mode medal

We plan to replace El Diego, due to him having limits on his character

The changes to the main menu saves

Actually, I’ll just leave the main menu alone

Currently making Noisette’s Cafe