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Oh god mempty what has zrox don't to you

This game looks awesome!

Cool! I'm Hyped!!

Keep it up!! : D



P:Y [𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋] [Horror game] - DEMO

Version: 1.0.3over 2 years ago

Page updated the : 02/01/23

I've been working on this game since 2020 started and spent over 500$ on it, so please,follow and share!


You play as a guy called Marcus , he decided to work with a company called Yura's Corp. In the goal of getting away from a terrible fate, he decides to go somewhere hidden and far away from his home. His work is simple, he is asked to code new functionalities for a new Prototype robot known as Prototype Yura. As the story goes things will get worse, and the tasks asked will become more and more complicated to accomplish due to the robot having malfunctions. Each nights will get longer and harder, and the challenges are going to be bigger and bigger. You have 7 days to finish the tests and tasks asked. Things will unfortunately not go as expected.


P:Y is a free roam, puzzle, point & click horror game made by me!

The game contains 2 huge stories :

Marcus's story - showing his terrible fate in 7 unique levels!

The Adventurers's story - A 5+ hours sidestory with cute cartoon characters :

-Pepper the Parrot

-Lilly the Fox

-Blitz the Bat

Once done with the 2 main stories there are still 16 hidden games with unique or random stuff, world , characters and gameplay style!

GAMEPLAY TIME : 17+ hours


The game contains 50+ unique characters.

Main characters :

			Marcus: Marcus is the protagonist of the game. Everything is based around
him and his actions, from the past or from the present,he can't escape his fate. 

Prototype Yura : PY is a smart advanced robot made to help and work with
humans. She have a personality and a consciousness.About 2,40 meters tall,
she is the main antagonist of the game.

Alex : Alex is Marcus's brother. Marcus and Alex have a very bad relation
ship. Each one of them did things they shouldn't have done. And now,he is
the thing Marcus is the most afraid of... (Second main antagonist).


Here are some in-game screenshots and pictures/teasers!


More screenshots and teasers will be given in the devlogs!


The underwater location : A huge hidden underwater facility filled with very precious items, diamonds, crystals and especially robots. The protagonist will spend a week in the location for him to be officially a new worker in the place.


The Vending machine : A cool and unique side of the game. You can buy stuff with the money you got after finishing a day of work! Each items are unique and can become very useful during the game!^^


Chapter selection : The player can replay or play levels whenever he wants!

2 stories are given with also 16 hidden games!


Game console : You can access this by going to the menu. The game console lets you play hidden games you either find or buy with the vending machine!

The hidden games are completetly unique and "random", adding a tons of stuff to explore after playing the 2 main stories!


Newest and best Prototype Yura design !

(Had to make the picture smaller cause it was 80mo big)


Marcus :


(Revealed during the game).

Alex :


(Seen in the vhs tapes series) : Click me to watch the series!


Game Progress :

  • Menu - 93%

  • Tutorial - 100%

  • Night 1 - 100%

  • Night 2 - 55%

  • Night 3 - 0%

  • Night 4 - 0%

  • Night 5 - 0%

  • Night 6 - 0%

  • Night 7 - 0%

  • Vision 1 - 0%

  • Vision 2 - 0%

  • Vision 3 - 0%

  • Vision 4 - 0%

  • Full Sidestory - 35%

  • Sidestory level 1 - 100%

  • Sidestory level 2 - 100%

  • Sidestory level 3 - 45%

  • Sidestory level 4 - 0%

  • Sidestory level 5 - 4%

  • Sidestory level 6 - 0%

  • Sidestory level 7 - 0%

  • Cutscenes - 19%

  • Game console - 14%

  • Secrets - 9 %

  • Game - 21%

Currently working on : Night 2 and SideStory level 3

Want to see more? Watch the teaser trailer !!!

Click me!


Most of the soundtracks are made by @Matteo_Games !

Big shout out ot him!^^

Want to hear some of the game soundtracks ??? Go and check some of them out!

Click here !


While you are there, why don't you join P:Y's small discord server! A new member is always appreciated!



Game by me.

All graphics are made by me. (Using Krita)

Sounds made by me and some found on! (Using Audacity)

Soundtracks by @Matteo_Games and some other authors. (given soon)

Characters all made by me. (Yura,Marcus,Alex,Pepper the Parrot,Lilly the fox,Blitz the Bat and all over characters from the game are made by me!)

Coding by me. (Using Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Dev)

Story by me

Beta testing : my two little brothers!^^

Game inspiration : Resident evil series, Little Nightmares series and some found and taken from old games of mine!

Cutscenes and animations by me! (Using Spriter pro!)

Game management by me aswell and i'm following a total of over 400 concepts to make the game, so i already know everything i have to make right now! Only need to code and draw!^^

Estimated release date : End of 2023 or start of 2024.


#pointnclick #horror #PY #py #puzzle #survival #other #6 #Yura #puzzlesolving

#freeroam #adventure #platforme #platformer #ZroxGames Alphabet

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Strong Language

Hello everyone...

[Important post regarding P:Y]

Important devlog tomorrow...

P:Y demo is finally here!

Happy 4th Birthday P:Y!!!

Something is coming...

Guess what it is!

Random Hunter art cause i was bored