
Party Gladiator
This is a eagle eye viewed game. It is only local coop unless you are capable of playing 2 players at once. This game was made in 4 weeks for the Utah State TSA game comp. We only really plan on fixing up any bugs that people find and maybe optimizing it some more. The comp was limited to a certain theme, and said theme was sports. Most of the music or sounds were from other sources and are quite good. The links to them are in the credits tab on the main menu.
The controls for the game are quite simple. Player one uses WASD keys to move and j k to melee and shoot. Player two uses the arrow keys to move and numpad 1 and 2 to melee and shoot. Players three and four use the controllers. They move with the d pad or the left joystick and use a and x to melee and shoot.
4 of the original devs are planning on making another game that we are going to spend a lot more time on. I hope to see you there as well.