
Revenge Of Phonofoot
This is not a serious horror game, it may have somewhat scary moments when you don't expect something the AI does but it's not meant to be taken seriously. If you go into it expecting a work of art, you're gonna have a bad time, m'kay?
When working on A Sudden Craving For Fish Fingers Part 2, I had several 'Sanity Breaks.' Apparantley the land before time was much more wholesome than I thought and trying to make a YTP of it is very hard. One such sanity break resulted in me finding a phonofoot 3d model by TimScorpion, I ended up porting it to G-Mod but before I succeeded in that I ported it to unity so I decided to make someonething out of it... So! enjoy this slender-like "Game" where you have to destroy all of Phonofoots records.
How to find the records
There are seven records, coincidently there are 7 main kids in the land before time, at least in the TV series... Maybe the seven discs are linked to the seven kids? If so, maybe you can find them where the kids would be I.E ducky and spike live near the water.
Nightmare Mode
Meet the phonos, reencounter Phonocera and Phonopetrie and meet phonoducky and phonospike!
Keep an eye out for Phonopetrie and Phonoducky, Phonoducky remains close to the ground whilst phonopetrie flies just above you in the air! #horror #survival #dinosaurs #silly #2012 #slender #ai #singleplayer #firstperson #flashlight #parody #obstacle #spoopy #spooky #halloween #halloween2021