
Comments (2)

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No comments. So sad. :(


Short early demo 2.0

Version: 0.4.0about 6 years ago
This new demo includes a main menu and 2 endings!

After the many lawsuits and mishaps over the past 20 years, Pigler's has decided to reopen its doors! Featuring, new animatronics with better designs, Piglers might have hope! 4 weeks later After 3 bodies were discovered in the new piglers restaurant in Utah, they have to close they're doors once again.

Hello. We would like for you to sign up for our Pigler franchisee factory job. We would like you to be able to preform maintenance, shipping, and night watch. You will get 320 dollars each week and a gift basket sent home every 3 months.
Click read more to find out more about your job.

Okay, so if you're new to my fan character Pigler, let me tell you about some things. First off, if you've gone to my profile and seen my other games, you may have seen Five Nights of hell with Pigler (FNOFWP for short) and lemme explain. So I wanted to make a fangame and I decided to make a character that was originally a t-rex called Liam. Then me and my friend on steam were talking about it and a few days later he game me an image and he said "Giving you nicer models" and that's when I realized this was gonna be awesome with better models. I finished the main menu in one night and started the coding process. Then, I ran into a giant bug and I had no idea how to fix it. As days grew into weeks, I had no idea what I was gonna do. So then I just gave up and cancelled it, and I am proud of that because it was like every other fnaf fangame, animatronic is in the building, look at cameras, close door when they get to your office. But now, I'm making something way better. I like to think of it as Sister location and FNaF 6 combined. This shouldn't be cancelled and will release sometime in late 2019- early 2020!



Voice acting-5%

Status: Very Early Dev.(VED)



Try the new demo!

Never used.

So the demo isn't even finished lol