Comments (15)
HEYYYYYYY! I just finished Ambient 2.0.1 after millions of years of bug killing and testing. I don't know how stable it is for older computers. I recommend a gt 1030 at the least. But anyways, ENJOY!
Hi! The game has an interesting idea, I particularly like that style, but there are some problems to be solved.
1. Music stops playing whenever you die, that's a little frustrating. A suggestion I can give you to solve this problem is, instead of reloading the scene, just create a transform for the spawn and give your position to the player every time it collides with the lava (I recommend adding a sound effect as well) to make it more dynamic).
2. The player can get stuck on the wall when you force it to the side it is on. My suggestion for solving this problem is to create a material without friction and add it to the player.
3. A game with this style needs to have more vivid colors, I recommend you add a little post processing.
4. The game has no UI. Make a UI job that the player can interact to return to the main menu and lower the volume of the song (use PlayerPrefs to save this non-sensitive information to a text file).
5. Improve the menu. The menu is very simple and does not have many options, I recommend you improve the art and its functionality a little.
6. Add a walking feature while you are down, without it you can end up bugging under a platform (if you don't want this mechanic in your game, I recommend finding some way to avoid this problem).
7. I recommend adding a wall running mechanic, it would match the theme.
I know that you are starting in development and it will not be easy to add these features. I recommend making a list of these errors and over time resolving them. It may take a long time, but you will see that it will evolve a lot. I hope you don't see me as a boring guy, or an idiot, but as someone who wants to see developers evolve
Good luck!
Hello everyone. I have decided to remove older builds of the game due to some confusion.
And 6 hours later 2.1.1 releases. I added new rave levels along with some bug fixes and patches. I'm pretty tired after working on 2.1.1 so I will see yall later!.
If you would like to join the official discord server the link is here https://discord.gg/jxDwJr
Ambient 2.1.1 (Prefered)
Ambient 2.0.1
Ambient 0.2.0
Ambient Demo
Ambient UX (Testing)
What is it? Ambient is a game I worked on around 2019 and finished it maybe around the end of it???? Not sure. It is a platformer fps made in Unity which was made around the word "Ambiance"
Updates? Everyone once in a while. I don't work much on it anymore just because...... Well other games.
(If you download make sure to get builds labeled "Prefered")
All music belongs to Chad Crouch.