Pokémon Looming Futures is a linear adventure that follows a protag from a island that has casted her out, now having to adapt to a new world in the Kismeto Region.
No Pokéballs - You will have oppurtunities to gain team members at certain parts of the story as well as in special locations. For catch em' all challenge, Pokeballs will be in the post game. (No, not all 1,025+ will be available, only a select 100 or so)
Options - Difficulties, multiple modes and level cap choices.
Choices Matter - Most important choices will affect the ending.
Strats for days - All moves, healing items and pkmn stats will be adjusted for longer, more strategic battles.
Special just for you - Special Events and Quests for Legendaries and other special Pokémon.
All Menus - All Towns, dungeons and other special areas will be dialog and menus.
FF Inspired - Pokemon will just appear when traversing the overworld and exploring dungeons (much like Final Fantasy).
Breathing World - Many locations will have wild pokemon and/or NPCs wondering around.
It's all up to you - You get to decide if you want the original Exp. Share, the new Exp. All or neither.
Oops it fainted? - Now legendaries are able to respawn after being defeated
Party Space Awareness - All pokemon you add to your party will be unable to be released, traded or stored until the post game.
#fangame #rpg #strategy #pokemon #fangame #jrpg #puzzle #retro #textadventure